With the New Year nearly upon us, we have reached the milestone date of being exactly one month from the closing date of our audition deadline – 29 January 2016.
So don’t let the holidays get too far advanced before you fire up your instrument and submit your online orchestral video audition at our dedicated muv.ac page. The good people at muv.ac handle all our vacancy application online submission materials – including the all important orchestral excerpts video – that every applicant for a position in the ADO must complete.
You can head over to that page right now by clicking on the picture below (we made it big so that you don’t miss it) where you can grab the orchestral excerpts for your instrument and get started on practising them before the Aussie cricketers go 2-0 up against the West Indies, the Australian Tennis Open kicks off (go Roger!) and before you decide to go and see Star Wars Ep. VII for the fifth time in 3D (come on boys, it’s just a film!)
We’ll also be keeping you updated on our Facebook page too over the next four weeks with some very exciting further announcements about our inaugural 2016-17 Season, including our first master class for conductors and an amazing CD we’re going to record in November 2016.
Janine Hanrahan